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Nourishment, sustenance, aliment, bread, provender, edible, esculent, fare, foodstuff, pabulum, provision, nutriment; all fancy names for "FOOD" and "WATER". We all need it to survive. Here are some items you can't live without...literally! The pre-made items are packaged small and with a dated shelf life in most cases. If you're just purchasing these to stuff in your kit, then you'll have several years before worrying about replacing them. If you've had these types of items awhile, then better replace them and reinstate your peace of mind. Otherwise, here you will find the most unique selection of small, but highly efficient (read; illegal in some States) food catching thingy-ma-jigs around, and ways to purify the water you need to chase down that tasty meal you just snagged.

Potable Aqua Tablets Plus 

Potable Aqua Plus

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Survival Kits
First Aid
Personal Protection
Containers and Packaging

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